
Housing policies and strategies

Housing strategy and assessment

Housing management policy

The Housing management policy (PDF 128KB) aims to:

  • Support the outcomes of the Local Housing Strategy 2018 to 2023
  • Support the outcomes of the Local Housing Strategy 2024 to 2029
  • Provide a framework for the management of the Housing and Building Standards service

Local Housing Strategy 2024 to 2029

Councils are legally required to carry out a comprehensive assessment of housing need and demand, including housing conditions, and to produce a Local Housing Strategy to tackle the challenges in their area.

Find out more about our Local Housing Strategy 2024 to 2029.

Housing needs and demand assessment

The Scottish government issued guidance on housing need and demand assessment. It sets out the framework that local authorities should follow to develop a good understanding of how housing markets operate.

This housing needs and demand assessment will influence affordable housing policies and the allocation of suitable available land. The assessment will also help the local housing strategy to identify what we need to do to meet our housing need and demand requirements, now and in the future. It will help us to work out the best way of delivering the strategic outcomes.

The housing needs and demand assessment is reviewed every five years.

Strategic housing investment plan

Strategic Housing Investment Plans (SHIPs) are part of the Local Housing Strategy (LHS) process and set out the key development priorities in each local authority to inform Scottish Government housing investment decisions.

View our Strategic Housing Investments Plan documents for 2024 to 2029.

Scottish housing quality standard delivery plan

The Scottish housing quality standard delivery plan for Aberdeenshire Council (PDF 1.24MB) is part of a national standard which decides what is acceptable, modern and good quality housing.

To meet the standard a house must be:

  • meet the Tolerable Standard (a very basic standard of acceptability)
  • free from serious disrepair
  • energy efficient
  • fitted with modern facilities and services
  • healthy, safe and secure 

Local authorities and registered social landlords need to produce standard delivery plans to show how their stock will meet the standard by 2015.

Housing (Scotland) Act 2014

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 introduced a number of changes, including an end to Right to Buy, and changes to the way social housing is allocated. The Scottish Government has produced the following guide Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 - A Guide for Tenants (PDF 339KB).

Scottish social housing charter

The Scottish Social Housing Charter sets the standards and outcomes that all social landlords should aim to achieve when performing their housing activities. The Charter will help to improve the quality and value of services that social landlords provide. 

Housing allocation policy

The Housing allocation policy (PDF 408KB) governs the way applicants for council housing are assessed and prioritised in terms of their housing need and how houses are allocated. Housing need is assessed to determine placing on the waiting list.

Annual report to tenants

All social landlords now report their performance annually to the Scottish Housing Regulator. One of the main aims is to make sure that tenants are at the core of all housing services provided by the council. Tenants can compare a landlord’s performance and hold landlords to account for their service delivery. Landlords are expected to share their best practise, and learn from each other, to improve the service that tenants get.

Our annual report to tenants tells you about the council’s Housing Service performance.

Private housing

View more information about private housing.

Private sector housing strategic outcome statement

Private sector housing

We aim to improve the quality of private sector housing. Private sector housing includes owner occupiers and the private rented sector.

Private sector outcome statement

The quality of private sector housing is maintained and improved to promote health and wellbeing by addressing disrepair and enhancing energy efficiency.

The private rented sector provides high management standards that inspires consumer confidence and encourages growth through attracting increased investment.

Scheme of assistance

We have produced a scheme of assistance (PDF 352KB) for private homeowners and tenants of private sector landlords. Section 72 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 requires all local authorities to produce a scheme of assistance for private homeowners and tenants. It sets out the circumstances in which we will provide information, advice, and practical support and, in some circumstances, financial assistance to private homeowners to help them repair, maintain, improve or adapt their homes.

For more information please contact our private housing team on 01467 534853

Below tolerable standard policy

The Below Tolerable Standard Housing Policy (PDF 137KB) aims to reduce the number of houses that are below the Tolerable Standard and prevent more houses from falling below this standard. It encourages homeowners to repair, maintain and improve their homes through our Scheme of Assistance.

Housing renewal area policy

The Housing Renewal Area Policy (PDF 168KB) aims to reduce the number of individual houses that are sub-standard and prevent more houses from becoming sub-standard. It encourages homeowners to repair, maintain and improve their homes through the Scheme of Assistance, so negating the need to designate a Housing Renewal Area.

Duty of candour

All Health and Social Care Services in Scotland have a duty of candour. This is a legal requirement which means that when things go wrong, and mistakes happen the people affected understand what has happened, receive an apology, and that organisations learn how to improve in the future.

As part of this, we produce an annual report about the duty of candour in our service. View annual duty of candour reports.

Housing for independent living and particular needs

We aim to make sure people with an identified particular need, such as older people or those with a disability, have improved access to appropriate affordable housing in Aberdeenshire and support to live as independently as possible.

Housing for independent living and particular needs outcome statement

Enabling people with an identified particular need to have access to appropriate affordable housing and support to allow them to sustain and improve their health to live as independently as possible.

Housing options

View more information about housing options.

Affordable housing

We are committed to the provision of quality affordable housing to meet a wide range of needs.

Fuel poverty, sustainability and energy efficiency

View more information about energy efficiency.

Fuel poverty, sustainability and energy efficiency outcome statement

Fuel poverty to be reduced for all households as far as is reasonably practicable.

Energy efficiency commitment

The Aberdeenshire Energy efficiency commitment (PDF 808KB) was developed as a point of reference and a basis for improving energy efficiency of our housing stock. This document demonstrates our commitment to improve energy efficiency of our housing stock and increase awareness of these issues, so far as practical, by 2015 and beyond.

Neighbourhood issues

View more information about neighbourhood issues.

Estate management policy statement

The aim of our Estate management policy (PDF 19KB) is to provide all tenants with an attractive, clean and safe environment in which to live and so help to sustain communities.

Eviction (conduct grounds) policy statement

The Eviction (conduct grounds) policy (PDF 21KB) policy details our aims and objectives for tenants whose conduct breaches the conditions of tenancy under the Scottish secure tenancy section 3 - respect for others.

Repairs and maintenance

View more information about repairs and maintenance.

Stock management policy statement

The aim of our Stock management policy (PDF 61KB) is to make sure our good quality housing is maintained, modernised and adapted as people’s needs change.

Home loss and decant report

The Home loss and decant report (PDF 90KB) details the arrangements for tenants who have to move because of improvement, redevelopment or demolition of their home.

Repairs policy statement

The aim of our Repairs policy (PDF 63KB) is to provide an efficient and effective, user focused, responsive repairs service, which complies with legislation and meets the expectations of our tenants.

Lifetime maintenance policy statement

The aim of our Lifetime maintenance policy statement (PDF 75KB) is to provide acceptable, modern and good quality housing.

Mixed tenure flats - factoring policy statement

The aim of our Factoring policy (PDF 19KB) is to make sure all our properties and privately owned properties in mixed tenure blocks of flats are well maintained and repaired.

Equipment and adaptations policy

The aim of our Equipment and adaptations policy (PDF 69KB) is to allow tenants and their families to continue living in their homes safely, and as independently as possible, where we are not able to provide suitable alternative accommodation to meet their needs.

Tenancy agreement

View more information about tenancy agreements.

Tenancies policy statement

The aim of our Tenancies policy statement (PDF 24KB) is to maximise tenants' rights for all lets.

Tenant participation

View more information about tenant participation.

Minority Ethnic Communities

View more information on minority ethnic communities.


The Scottish Government considers Gypsy/Travellers as an ethnic group and that their needs should be taken into consideration by local authorities.

We are committed to promoting equality and recognise and accept Gypsy/Travellers’ right to a nomadic way of life. The minority ethnic outcome statement includes actions necessary to meet the needs of Gypsy/Travellers in the Aberdeenshire.

Minority Ethnic Communities Outcome Statement 

Minority ethnic communities will have access to appropriate land, housing and support, encouraging social integration.


View more information on homelessness.

Homelessness and housing options outcome statement

  • Homeless people are empowered to transform their lives
  • Homeless people are provided with suitable temporary accommodation where necessary until a permanent housing solution can be found
  • Service users satisfy their accommodation needs by assessing suitable options through a housing options approach
  • Those who require additional support to find or remain in their homes receive housing support