
Fares and ticketing

Fares on commercially operated bus services are set by bus operators, whilst the council sets fares on the council-supported bus network.

Commercial fares

The following services are operated on a commercial basis on which the operator sets the fares charged, the council have no influence over these fares.

Operator Services Telephone
Deveron Coaches 300 01261833555
Stagecoach Bluebird 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 35, 37, 41, 50, 61, 66, 67, 68, 69, 74, 76, 77, 78, 81, 82, 83, 84, 107, 201, 218, 220, 270, 422, Z7, X20, X60, X63, X67, X68 01224591381

Fare types 

Fare types available on bus services supported by the council:

  • Concessionary travel, Scotland-wide free bus pass holders and children under the age of 5 travel free
  • Adult single fares
  • Adult return fares are charged at 1.5 times the adult single fare, rounded up to 10p, a 50% discount on single and return fares is available for those who hold a Job Seekers Discount card
  • Child fares are available at a 50% discount on the adult single and return fares to those who don't have free bus travel
  • Discounted return tickets are valid for one journey in each direction within 28 days
  • Multi-journey tickets are available and will provide a discount compared to the purchase of single or return tickets

Find out more about multi-journey tickets:

  • Adult and child 10 journey tickets, valid for 10 single journeys over 56 days, priced at 4 times the return fare, would benefit those making more than 4 return or 7 single journeys in 8 weeks
  • Weekly and 4-weekly tickets provide unlimited travel for 7 or 28 consecutive days and would benefit frequent adult travellers, making 4 return journeys per week or more; weekly passes are charged at 3.5 times the return fare and 4-weekly passes are charged at 3.5 times the weekly pass charge

Multi operator ticketing

Aberdeenshire Connect

Aberdeenshire Connect scheme enables passengers to pay fares for onward bus journeys in a single transaction. A 10% fares discount is provided compared to the total cost of the individual journeys. Single and return fares are available for both adults and children.

Connect tickets are currently only available on Central Buchan A2B dial-a-bus for onward travel to destinations such as Aberdeen, Peterhead and Ellon.

Stagecoach Bluebird, Aberdeenshire's largest bus operator offer their own through tickets on some services, giving better value when you are changing between Stagecoach buses.

If you travel on a service which you think may benefit from Aberdeenshire Connect being made available please contact us using the details below.

GrassHOPPER Multi Operator Passes

GrassHOPPER is a multi operator ticket available from all bus operators across Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City and it can be used on most bus services (only special services such as Megabus and Gig n Go are excluded).

For further information please visit the GrassHOPPER website.


Contact us by email at or phone us on 01467 536600.