
Provision of grit bins

The provision of grit bins in urban areas is to offer the public a self-help option to overcome localised difficulties in relation to the effect of winter conditions on roads and footpaths. It is important that the council encourages and helps facilitate self-help by those members of the public who are prepared to carry out this work. Please also be aware of the newly formed Snow Warden Scheme which is another mechanism of self-help and should also be promoted.

However, the number of grit bins made available needs to be controlled. Maintaining adequate salt/grit levels in the bins results in an operational burden.

Therefore we give careful consideration to the provision and location of grit bins and salt/sand mix heaps.

Provision and location criteria

View urban grit bin flowchart criteria (PDF 70KB) and rural grit bin flowchart criteria (PDF 98KB).

Urban grit bin criteria

Urban is where the speed limit is 40mph or less. For speed limits we define a village as a length of road of at least 600m where there are at least 20 houses and a density of at least 3 houses in every 100 section.

1. Is the gradient less than 5%?

  • If yes - no grit bin required
  • If no - move onto criteria question number 2

2. Is the gradient between 5 and 10%?

  • If yes - move onto criteria question number 3
  • If gradient is more than 10% move onto question 4

3. Is there a grit bin within 200m walking distance?

  • If yes - no grit bin required
  • If no - allocate grit bin

4. Is there a grit bin within 50m walking distance?

  • If yes - no grit bin required
  • If no - allocate grit bin

Rural grit bin criteria

Rural is where the speed limit is more than 40mph. For speed limits we define a village as a length of road of at least 600m where there are at least 20 houses and a density of at least 3 houses in every 100 section.

1. Is the road on a gritting route?

  • If yes - move onto criteria question number 2
  • If no - move onto criteria question number 3

2. Is the gradient greater than 12%?

  • If yes - move onto criteria question number 4
  • If no- no grit bin or pile is required

3. Is the gradient greater than 8%?

  • If yes - move onto criteria question number 4
  • If no - no grit bin or pile is required

4. Is there a grit bin or pile within 50m walking distance?

  • If yes - no grit bin or pile is required
  • If no - allocate grit bin or pile

Additional Consideration

We also give additional consideration to the following:

  • If they are currently on a primary route and F1/F2 then they should not be considered as the risk should be mitigated from planned treatment
  • Ideally, grit bins will only be located where they can be filled from a lorry. The grit bins shall be replenished at the start of the winter period
  • Grit bins will be left in place during the summer months
  • The grit in the bin is purely for use on the public road or footway
  • The locations of grit bins will be recorded and made available
  • The council will not provide grit bins in private areas or car parks for use by any other council or any other public or private property such as schools, parks, hospitals, care homes, etc. unless a service level agreement is in place