
Traffic Measures

In Scotland the responsibility for imposing orders on restricting or regulating the way vehicles are used on the roads belongs to the Scottish Government for trunk roads and each local authority for the roads in their area.

Road traffic measures are brought into force under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 and various Statutory Instruments.

The types of measures that may be imposed at any time include:

  • Speed limits
  • Waiting and loading restrictions
  • Weight and Width restrictions
  • Direction restrictions (one way streets)
  • Prohibition of Driving
  • Stopping up of road

If they are no longer required, most road traffic measures can be removed using the same statutory process by which they are imposed. However, a stopping up order permanently extinguishes the status of a road and cannot be reversed.

Public consultations

View current consultations:

Consultation period

Authorities have to follow a prescribed procedure in making these orders. This will normally involve a consultation period where objections can be made.

Details of road traffic measures currently open for consultation are displayed at Council Offices and in the local area involved, such as a library, during the public consultation period.


Objections can be emailed to or submitted in writing to:

Head of Legal and Governance
Woodhill House
Westburn Road
AB16 5GB

Objections must be submitted within the date specified and must state the name and address of the objector, the matter to which it relates and grounds on which it is made.

If no objections are received the proposed measures can be implemented. If objections are received and thereafter not resolved a report on the outcome of the consultations will be sent to the local area committee for the matter to be determined unless the objection is in relation to a stopping-up order. In such a case the matter requires to be referred to Scottish Ministers for determination.

To obtain further information on Traffic Measures please email